
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-09
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Abstract:The tide of economic globalization, many developed countries, emerging a number of internationally renowned multi-national award, becoming the main push economic globalization and the important forms of expression, while multinational companies in China as it started slow, core technology not enough, management inexperience and other issues, and other developed countries, multinational enterprises form a clear gap and lack of competitiveness, competition with foreign enterprises often a disadvantage. And in the growing process, problems encountered in trade endless, Chinese enterprises need to face and resolve care. So seize the opportunities of economic globalization, faces its continuously identify problems and propose solutions that businesses are increasingly expanding. This paper will Chinese companies operating in the transnational problems, analyzing business processes in transnational Chinese enterprises encountered problems and propose measures to promote the healthy development of my state-owned enterprises.

Key Words:Economic Globalization,Transnational Management,Solutions


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:要抓住经济全球化的机遇,面对自身,不断发现问题并解决问题,使企业日益壮大。本文将从中国企业在跨国经营中所遇到的问题出发,分析中国企业在跨国经营过程中所遇到的问题,......
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