
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-27
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转换比率:金额 X 10=金币数量, 例100元=1000金币 论文字数:11505
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关键词: 顺德家电企业,后危机时代,品牌管理


Abstract:Home appliance export is the fastest growing point and also has a deep significance in Shunde’s economy. However, the problems hiding in the industrial development came out, when the financial storm struck and made the export slow. This article analysis the problem which we encounter in the development of home appliance export and look into the causes both inside and outside the industry, and thereby makes the suggestions as to how we reinforce the strength of Shunde home appliances in the age of after crisis, such as improve the industrial specialization, heighten the abilities of foreign cooperation, the abilities of technologic innovation and reinforce core-competitiveness of societies.

Key Words:Household Electrical Appliance Enterprises,after Crisis times ,band management




上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:从行业外内部探究其原因,给出了后危机时代顺德家电如何做强、做大的对策,提出了顺德家电必须提高专业化程度和对外协作能力,真正加强企业技术创新能力,切实提高企业核心竞争......
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