
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:姐妹花 更新时间:2014-01-16
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关键词:张爱玲 男性观 男性形象


Abstract:Throughout a history of literature, full of a paean of male myth, the long-time literature phenomenon indicates the influence of Chinese traditional male view to our nation has become a kind of collective spirit. But during the wartime of the Shanghai being occupied, Zhang Ailing described a huge number of handicapped, vulnerable and ugly men in her novels by her acute observer, special experience and original visual angle, some physically-disabled, some mentally-challenged. In Zhang Ailing’s novels, the men’s word is a collapsed ruin, full of isolated humanity. Zhang Ailing preferred to describe ugly men in her novels, but she did not deny all men’s efforts, what could be seen from her essays. Zhang Ailing succeed because of the turbulent and full of opportunity times, the bigwigs and erosion family, the cold and indifferent home and the mellifluous and painful love. The chapter will talk about the male view of Zhang Ailing through her novels and essays and the cause of her male view.

Key words:Zhang Ailing; male view; male image 


上传会员 姐妹花 对本文的描述:张爱玲在小说中乐于刻画“丑陋”的男性,但是她并没有以点盖面,否认男性的全部,这从她的散文篇章中可以看出。时代的动荡与机遇,家庭的显贵与糜烂,亲情的缺失与冷漠,爱情......
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