
资料分类:金融翻译 上传会员:米高 更新时间:2020-10-15
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外文出处:Lindsay Dawson 管理哲学卷3号; 哈佛法律评论,第42卷第2期。

Many family businesses suffer from the failure to have legally.effective and well-drafted family employee agreements and family shareholder agreements. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss best practices relating to two types of agreements: An agreement with family members who become employees of the business, whether or not they own equity in the business. A shareholder agreement with family members who own equity in the business. The discussion of shareholder agreements will also review best practices for avoiding the problems that result when family members who are shareholders divorce. Finally, we will consider shareholder liquidity plans for family businesses that provide cash to shareholders in the event of certain emergencies or other pressing needs.

Transfers after Marriage and Postnuptial Agreements.The following are the facts in an actual court case that illustrate a typical problem in making a direct gift to a child after marriage. In 1980, Kent Jardine married Julie McVey. During their marriage, Julie’s father, John, gave stock to Julie in all three of the family cor-porations. In 2003, Kent filed for divorce. In the property settlement agreement, Kent received payment for the one-half interest he claimed in the stock held by Julie in the family corporations.

上传会员 米高 对本文的描述:本文分析了竞争的商业道德模型的参数。一方面,有像弗里德曼密尔顿这样的理论家,他声称商业领袖的唯一社会责任是最大限度地提高股东利润。另一方面,也有人认为,企业对许多......
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