
资料分类:金融翻译 上传会员:米高 更新时间:2020-10-15
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接近正义:英国小额诉讼的经验 John Baldwin                               




外文原文(字符数 8281):

外文出处:John Baldwin

 Access to justice :the English experience with small claims

 The simplified procedures of the English small claims system permit legal redress in situations where formal litigation would be too costly. But while the procedures offer access to justice, they also illustrate the difficulties that informal dispute resolution mechanisms can pose.

    Small claims procedures provide a mechanism by which legal disputes involving small sums of money can be resolved without disproportionate expense. In most small claims proceedings, hearings are much more informal than in traditional civil court hearings. An “interventionist” adjudicator is expected to help the parties present their cases, and there is little or no legal representation.

    These proceedings provide a rough and ready brand of justice, where laypersons commonly assume sole responsibility not only for preparing their cases but also for presenting them in court. Adjudicators,meanwhile, have wide latitude in the methods they use. Indeed, in England adjudicators are allowed to use whatever method of proceeding at a hearing they consider to be fair.

上传会员 米高 对本文的描述:这些结果表明,英国的小额索赔程序工作做的非常好。他们留给人的印象是,英国法官已经成功地提供了一个可以让大多数人接受的标准的正义。虽然这两个点在很大程度上是真实的,......
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