
资料分类:教育技术 上传会员:小美 更新时间:2013-12-28
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Abstract:Creation of situations is a dynamic process, good or bad situation created by the direct and extensive impact to the quality of courses. Primary and Secondary Schools Curriculum Design requested "information technology curriculum students to consider the level of mental development of knowledge and experience of different age and emotional needs. " good situation there as a part of the course is to convey knowledge of teachers to teach Friendly media,is a powerful carrier of knowledge, to better guide students into the classroom, in-depth classroom. In this thesis,information technology curriculum through the network and the Loongson Cup in 2010 cases of primary information technology course participants to analyze and summarize some of them created to analyze situations, analyze the current situation the case of information technology courses created by the practices and forms. Discover the existence of two major problems: overwhelming and unrealistic. Then from the perspective of teachers and students made 4 major recommendations and proposals.

【keywords】Information technology courses, scenario creation,case studies


上传会员 小美 对本文的描述:剖析目前信息技术课程案例中情境创设的手法和形态。发现存在的两大问题:喧宾夺主和脱离实际。然后从教师和学生的角度提出了4大建议和方案,要求情境创设具有实用性,专业性,......
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