
资料分类:教育技术 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-09
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Abstract:The arrival of educational information era caused a series of technical revolution. Set all kinds of modern communication technology in the integration of the Internet, greatly extends the transfer and learners to audio-visual senses, so that people can easily across time and space distance to do ideological and emotional exchanges, and due to the Internet has high technology content, high amount of information and different from other informational media transmission method and process,which results in style are the learning effect and learning appear very different. However, when the technology on students learning influence reached the degree that people can not be ignored, especially when the informational interference in the network brings a series of negative impacts to the students’ learning style, people should pay high attention to it. Therefore, how to use the Internet to the popular media for effective teaching and learning, became the education information providers and learners always concern.

This research mainly adopts questionnaire survey method. It is divided into six parts, the first part is the introduction, which is mainly introduces the research purpose, significance and current situation; the second part is the overview part, which is mainly introduced the overview of educational informatization, and expounds the main features of information age and the transformation of learning style; the third part is the students of information age, which analyzed college students’ characteristics and learning style under the network environment, learning behavior control, this paper discusses the  information literacy the university students should have under information age, technology supported learning of college students by the information interference factors; the fourth part is the students learning styles questionnaire investigation under the informational environment of education, through a questionnaire setting, implementation, analysis on the data statistics, thus found the students' learning sorts under informational environment of education of the information interference; the fifth part is the strategies and proposal that the students settle information interference under the informational environment of education, the purpose is to make the informational age students clear the concept that informational technology behavior combined with social norms, and provide reference for relevant personnel; the last part is the summarized and prospect.

The research shows that  : (1) The Internet provides advantage resources to students to learn during the educational informationalization environment, but also brings for learners many of the negative influence-information interference; (2) In the Education Informationalization Environment it not only exists in the traditional sense of channel interference, but also the existence of information self interference.

The characteristics and innovations of the paper rests with analyze the features during the teansmission under the informational environment of education and obtain the informational interference categories, data collection through analysis obtains the educational information under the environment of students learning, and try to solve this because of the unique way of spreading information to the learner's negative effects.

Keywords: Educational Informationalization, Learning Style, Information Interference, Technique, Learning


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本文的特点与创新之处在于分析了基于互联网学习过程中信息传递的特点,并通过数据的收集分析处理得出教育信息化环境下学生学习方式的信息干扰类别,由此尝试去解决这种因互联......
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