
资料分类:教育技术 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-11
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【关键词】实时教学系统; Web技术; 流媒体技术


【Abstract】As a contemporary form of teaching, Distance education is a breakthrough in time and space constraints of traditional teaching. Distance education becomes the focus of attention of more and more people. At the same time, the real-time teaching system provides a platform for the implementation of Distance education. This paper mainly discusses the relative knowledge about the real-time teaching,including the concept of real-time teaching system, related technologies, the introduction of the video server and an example to demonstrate the achievement of real-time teaching system. This system is strong practicality and the lower requirements to the network bandwidth, which is suitable for the needs of the learners of contemporary China.

【Keywords】Real-time teaching system; Web Technology; Streaming Media Technology

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:网络教育采用教与学在时空上的相互分离方式向学习者传递知识、组织教学,突破了传统教学在时空上的限制。这种教学方式具有学习资源的可共享性和教学系统的互操作性,这些特性......
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