
资料分类:教育技术 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-11
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关键词:学习兴趣; 小学信息技术课程;影响因素;教学策略


Abstract: The interest is the inherent power to mobilize students' active thinking to explore knowledge. Once we get it, learning will not be a burden, but a kind of enjoyment. Therefore, we must make a smart design of the classroom teaching and improve the teaching strategies to make the Information Technology class of the primary school more vivid and interesting, so that the students can find out the fun of learning in the relaxed atmosphere. Through the questionnaire survey, this article analyzes the factors that influence the primary school students’ interests in learning Information Technology class, so that we put forward some targeted teaching strategies which are helpful to improve the primary school students’ learning interests as well as the teaching effect.

Key words: learning interests; primary school information technology course; Influence factors; teaching strategies

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:无论是教学理论界还是奋斗在教学一线的国内中小学信息技术教师,都迅速做出相应的适应新的课程目标的教学方法、教学策略等。而我们也可以看到,小学生对于信息技术课的热情是......
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