
资料分类:教育技术 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-28
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【关键词】:大学生 网络社群  交往行为  


【Abstract】:With the Internet popularized in the whole world, network community intercourse behavior becomes more and more frequent and diverse. College students as the main group of Internet applications, understanding their network community and their interaction is a topic worthy of attention. The author issued a total of 323 questionnaires via professional survey website questionnaire star to the domestic universities students. Furthermore ,there have been some research on the college students' network community intercourse behavior , and through the analysis of the results, all the respondents have network communication experience and 87.38 percent of them have over two years net age.Moreover,64.98 percent of them spend over 1 hour every day and in terms of the importance of the network community ,only 4.73 percent show negative attitude. Combined with other aspects, it can be confirmed that the network community association plays an important role in college students' communication. And the research  on communication behavior is also an important aspect which should be paid more attention to in the future education.

【Key words】: College Students  network community  communication behavior 

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:目前在我国境内,拥有比较广泛群众基础的网络社群主要有QQ,飞信,校内网,开心网,各门户网站的微博等,这些网站和平台均深入加强了个体信息传播的能力,使得基于这些平台的网......
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