
资料分类:教育技术 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-28
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关键词:教育技术; 信息技术; 课程设置


Abstract: The educational technology is a comprehensive application discipline.The specialized localization of teacher training educational technology specialty is clear——conveying information technology teachers in elementary and middle schools .This paper starts with the actual demand of information technology in elementary and middle schools,do the research on the relationship between teacher training educational technology specialty curricular and post career professional development demand.The research included the educational technology professional courses in three different normal university, through comparative analysis, find out the existing problems of educational technology curriculum, draw up a compatible professional courses for teacher training educational technology specialty.

Key word:educational technology; information technology; curriculum setting

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:师范方向定位偏重的是教育技术在教育学层面上的应用,强调教学系统的设计、信息技术与相关课程的整合,强调用现代化的手段来促进教学,增强教学的实际效果。但是我们培养方向......
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