
资料分类:科技学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-10
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Abstract:The draft program as an entertainment program, satisfies the people need to balance, and can make people the spirit of joy. No matter from the program, program number, viewing, talent shows have become our can not be ignored a television culture communication power. However, the domestic talent show a lack of innovation, led to the emergence of the follow the same pattern, was presented to the audience a state of exhaustion. The voice of China appear, is the TV show into exhausted after a breakthrough success. This paper attempts to present situation and successful enlightenment of comparative analysis of the program.

Keywords: TV show; The voice of China; Present situation; Success

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:以往的电视音乐选秀节目无一不是“选手直面评委,演唱完毕评委点评投票”这一单一模式,观众对此类固定套路早已产生审美疲劳。《中国好声音》在悬念拿捏上的巧妙之处在于:每......
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