
资料分类:科技学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-10
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关键词:  居住消费  扩展线性支出系统(ELES)模型  边际消费倾向 收入弹性  需求支出


Abstract: This paper firstly expounded on the residential consumption status of the rural residents in Jiangsu, and then carried out empirical analysis on the marginal propensity of consumption, marginal budgeting share, income elasticity of demand and basic requirements of residential consumption of rural residents in Jiangsu by virtue of ELES (extend linear expenditure system) and utilizing SPSS19.0 statistical software. The results showed that the net income per year of rural residents in Jiangsu Province is highly correlated with various consumption expenditures, and the marginal propensity of consumption in residence is relatively high. The final part of this paper proposed the suggestions such as adjusting the income structure of farmers, increasing non-agricultural income of farmers, scientifically planning rural housing construction, and establishing the support mechanism on rural residential consumption.

Keywords: Residential consumption    Extended linear expenditure system model    Marginal propensity to consume    Income elasticity    Consumption Expenditure

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:住房消费开支是居民居住消费的重要部分。从2000年到2011年,在这十一个年头中,无论是人均住房面积还是人均住房价值都是增加的,2000年江苏省农村居民人均住房面积为33.7平方米,......
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