
资料分类:科技学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-11
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关键词 茶叶;微波消解;重金属;原子吸收


Abstract:The subject of tea water in xuzhou market of heavy metal lead, cadmium, copper, manganese pollution detailed study. The experiment will study from the three conditions of soaking time, soaking times and temperature of the tea water.and finally choose microwave digestion to sample processing, with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometer measurement, get xuzhou tea water for heavy metal content.First to compare to determine the varieties of tea heavy pollution, through the study of the place of origin and the production process to find out the reason of pollution.Then to compare to determine the most appropriate tea time, temperature and the times of soaking. And thus make the scientific and effective plan of drinking.

    The experimental results show that when compared with the varieties of tea heavy pollution, lead pollution in Longjing and biluochun of green tea is serious.Cadmium pollution in Lapsang souchong of black tea is serious.copper pollution in Longjing,Lapsang souchong and oolong tea of black tea is serious. the manganese content in all the tea is similar.In the same conditions, the longer soaking time, the more heavy metal leaching.The temperature has little effect on heavy metal leaching. The first heavy metal leaching is serious.The second times and third times have the same heavy metal content.

Keywords  tea  microwave digestion  heavy metal  atomic absorption

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:茶叶中的重金属主要是从土壤及大气中吸收而来,土壤中重金属的来源是多途径的,主要有大气中重金属沉降,化肥、农药和塑料薄膜不合理使用,此外,污水灌溉,污泥施肥,含重金......
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