
资料分类:科学与工程 上传会员:姐妹花 更新时间:2014-01-20
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关键词:温度传感器  光纤  测量原理  法珀腔长


ABSTRACT:Due to the fiber optic sensor which compare with other sensor has a unique advantage,in recent years,optical fiber sensor and measuring technology become a new development direction in the field of instrumentation. Fiber optic temperature sensor has small volume, light weight,high sensitivity,less consumption,not affected by the interference of electromagnetic field,good insulation quality and great value of development.This topic is the design and construction of a new kind of optical F-P temperature sensor.

   Firstly,this article elaborated the advantages of the F-P senor and the principle of measurement of the temperature sensor.Then combine with the principle of optical F-P temperature sensor,illustrate the choice of optical  F-P temperature sensor materials concretely and shows the manufacturing operation of senor. Then the method is deduced cavity length with a function of temperature change.Then,analyse demodulation principle of F-P sensor simply.And use the demodulation principle of optical F-P sensor setting the the initial length of cavity of  F-P sensor.

Keywords:  temperature sensor;optical fiber; principle of measurement; F-P cavity length


上传会员 姐妹花 对本文的描述:本文首先阐述了光纤法珀温度传感器的测量原理和传感器的优点。再结合光纤法珀温度传感器的原理,具体从光纤法珀传感器材料的选择上进行介绍并说明了传感器的制作过程。接着推......
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