
资料分类:科学与工程 上传会员:乖乖90后 更新时间:2014-06-30
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摘要:氧化铟(In2O3)是一种宽禁带的N型半导体材料,其室温下直接禁带宽度约为3.65eV,在可见光范围的透明度超过90%,并且单晶氧化铟有着很高的迁移率(160 cm2/V·s),这使得氧化铟成为制备透明电子器件的重要候选材料之一。




Abstract:Indium oxide is a direct,wide band gap and N—type semiconductor with good optical and electronic properties.Its band gap is 3.65eV at room temperature,the transmittance of visible light is very high(>90%)as well as the high mobility(~160cm2/V·s of single-crystal),making it an important alternative to fabricate transparent electronic devices.

   In this paper,we prepared the indium oxide thin film by experiment, then studied the physical properties.Experiment were prepared using magnetron sputtering of indium film,and then annealed the samples to the formation of indium oxide films.We analyzed of different process conditions, annealing temperature, annealing time,film thickness and other factors affect on the optical and electrical properties of indium oxide films.We used DEKTAK150 Surface Profiler to test the film’s thickness, utilized four probe tester measuring the film’s resistivity, used X-ray diffraction (XRD) to study the microscopic structure,UV-visible spectrometer analysis were used to analyze the film’s optical properties.The X-ray diffraction(XRD) analysis shows that the films are polycrystalline and retain a cubic structure.Spectrum analysis shows that the annealing time and annealing temperature have great influence on the transmittance of the films.The transmittance of visible light of the indium oxide films reaches 80%,and its band pap is from 3.61eV to 3.63eV at room temperature.Compared these samples prepared under different annealing conditions, the annealed condition 25min,430℃ can get the better performance of the films.

Keywords: indium oxide;magnetron sputtering;Optical and electrical characteristics;X-ray diffraction

上传会员 乖乖90后 对本文的描述:其原理是激光器在真空环境中发出脉冲激光面积广聚集在靶材表面使其熔融汽化并沉积到衬底形成薄膜。该方法衬底温度可控,而且采用光学系统非接触加热,避免了不必要的污染,具......
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