
资料分类:科学与工程 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-07
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关键词: 石榴茶;浸泡条件;营养成分;抗氧化性


Abstract:The main subject is based on the pomegranate tea as raw materials, choosing the ordinary black tea as the contrast, according to the changes in the quality of the pomegranate tea, the light transmittance of the pomegranate tea ,the content of tea polyphenols as well as the ability to clear the hydroxyl radical as the indicators to determine its best soaking conditions under different soaking temperature of 70℃, 80℃, 90℃, 100℃, different soaking time of 5min, 15min, 25min, 35min, 45min, 55min and different ratioes of solid-liquid 1:25, 1:50, 1:75, 1:100. Optimal soaking conditions measured pomegranate tea free amino acids, flavonoids, soluble sugar, Vc, chlorophyll content, and reducing power, TBA suppression rate, clearance rate of superoxide anion. The results show that: the soaking time of 15min, a soak temperature 80℃, solid-liquid ratio of 1:50 is the best soaking conditions. In this condition, the the pomegranate tea light transmission rate of 71.6%, hydroxyl radical scavenging rate was 47.1%, polyphenol content of 0.707mg/g, free amino acids 0.597μg/mL soluble sugar content 106.82μg/mL; flavonoids was 0.197μg/mL; Vc content 18.00μg/mL; the total concentration of chlorophyll was 39.83mg/L; the antioxidative substances TBA inhibition rate was 10.6%; superoxide anion scavenging rate was 54.47%. Free amino acids in the optimal soaking conditions than in the control(black tea) 0.042μg/mL soluble sugar content 0.34μg/mL, flavonoids increased 0.12μg/mL, Vc content increased 5.5 ug/mL, the total concentration of chlorophyll increased 13.3mg/ L, the antioxidation substance TBA inhibition rate increase of 2.84%, 16.62% increase in superoxide anion scavenging rate.

Keywords  Pomegranate tea  Soaking conditions  Nutrient Composition  Anti-oxidation

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:现代医学研究证明,石榴中含有黄酮、鞣质、生物碱、有机酸和多酚等多种较高水平的抗氧化活性物质,能够避免人体受自由基破坏,从而可以延缓衰老、抑制癌变、软化血管、降低胆......
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