
资料分类:科学与工程 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-04
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  本文阐述了在基于ARM微处理器的FL2440开发板上移植µC/OS-II 及FatFS的主要技术及相关设计功能的实现方法。该系统以PC机及Linux操作系统为开发平台,在此基础上嵌入移植µC/OS-II 嵌入式实时操作系统,进而实现FatFS文件系统的相关功能。



Abstract:With the continue development of the intelligent handheld devices, file storage, file sharing and file application are getting more popular. Thus, file system becomes an essential component for modern embedded devices. FAT (File Allocation Table) file system, which is simple, easy to implement, and widely supported, is currently used in most of the consumer electronics devices, and has become an industry standard as the embedded file system.

  This paper describes the main techniques and implementation of the related design for porting µC/OS-II and FatFS file system on ARM micro-processor based FL2440 development board. The system is realized by porting the µC/OS-II embedded real-time operating system and FatFS file system with the development platform made up of PC and Linux operating system.

Key words: Embedded Operating System; ARM; µC/OS-II; FatFS; porting

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:本文采用实时操作系统µC/OS-II,实时操作系统 (RTOS-Real Time Operation System)是嵌入式系统目前比较重要的组成部分。根据操作系统的工作特性,实时是指物理进程的真实时间。实时操作系统......
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