
资料分类:科学与工程 上传会员:乖,爱学习 更新时间:2014-06-17
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Abstract:The polyphenol oxidase (PPO) of Pleurotus Nebrodensis and Coprinus comatus were extracted by 0.2 mol/L phosphate buffer and its properties was analysed. Experimental results showed that the Pleurotus Nebrodensis optimal pH and temperature were 5.6 and 40℃ respectively, and the Km value and Vmax value with catechol substrate were 9.36×10-3mol/L   and 8.11×10-3 U/min respectively, and the PPO would be inactive in 1.5 min, 2.5 min or 3.5min, when the water tempreture was 100℃, 95℃, 90℃individually. D-Isoascorbic acid was strong inhibitors, and the effective concentration of the inhibitor was 10mmol/L.And that the Coprinus comatus optimal pH and temperature were 4.4 and 35℃ respectively, and the Km value and Vmax value with catechol substrate were 13.5×10-3mol/L and 8.97×10-3U/min respectively, and the PPO would be inactive in 1.5 min, 3 min or 4 min, when the water tempreture was 100℃,95℃,90℃, individually. L-cysteine was strong inhibitors, and the effective concentration of the inhibitor was 10mmol/L.

Keywords: Pleurotus Nebrodensis; Coprinus comatus; PPO ; Property

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