
资料分类:科学与工程 上传会员:乖,爱学习 更新时间:2014-06-17
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关键词 速溶石榴红茶粉;配方;工艺;工厂设计


Abstract:This experiment selects the pomegranate leaf production of instant black tea as raw material, the amount of instant tea powder, tea polyphenols, polysaccharides in light transmittance and β - cyclodextrin, soluble starch, sucrose of different tea concentrated liquid ratio on the instant tea powder of powder rate, viscosity, water activity and solubility index. Get instant pomegranate tea formula better; with an annual production capacity of 800t instant black tea powder pomegranate plant design, and its process flow chart, workshop layout drawing.

   The results show that: the optimal formula was: Pomegranate black tea concentrated solution 10%; β-cyclodextrin 15%; soluble starch and sucrose 9% 7.2%. And an annual output of 800t instant tea powder plant design

Keywords  Instant pomegranate black tea powder  Formula  Technology  Plant design

上传会员 乖,爱学习 对本文的描述:速溶茶是以茶鲜叶或干茶为原料,经浸提、抽滤、浓缩、干燥等工艺操作流程而成的一种小颗粒状或粉末状的固体茶饮料,其具有冲水即可溶,茶味浓淡易于调节控制,没有茶渣等特点......
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