
资料分类:科学与工程 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-18
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Abstract:In order to prolong the shelf-life of sausage and duck meat sauce, the samples of sausage and duck meat sauce were added with microencapsulation of volatile oil from Fructus Amomi Rotundus, and pH values, TBA values, TVB-N values and total amount of bacteria were used to evaluate the quality of sausage and total amount of bacteria and POV values were used to evaluate the quality of duck meat sauce. The results showed that all of the different mass concentration of microencapsulation had preservation effect on sausage and duck meat sauce. The higher mass concentration was, the better effect preservation with microencapsulation have. Mass concentration of 3.2% and 3.42% had the best preservation effect. So it can be concluded that volatile oil from Fructus Amomi Rotundus significantly prolong the shelf-life of sausage and duck meat sauce.

Keywords: Microencapsulation of volatile oil from Fructus Amomi Rotundus; Sausage; Duck meat sauce; Preservation

上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:有机溶剂萃取法(OSE)是根据相似相溶原理,对原料采取有机溶剂进行提取,通过蒸馏去除溶剂而分离出挥发性成分的方法。常规溶剂提取法、快速溶剂提取法以及现代溶剂分离提取技......
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