
资料分类:科学与工程 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-30
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Abstract:The process and stability for production of the compound beverage made from carrot, strawberry and milk were studied in the paper. The results showed the best formula of compound drink of carrot, strawberry and milk was amount of carrot juice 80mL, amount of strawberry juice 40mL, amount of milk 60mL, amount of water 60mL, amount of sugar 6% and amount of citric acid 0.10%; On the turbid stability, the best prescription of stabilizers was glycerel monostearte concentration 0.0932%, carrageenan concentration 0.203% and CMC-Na concentration 0.117% and turbid stability at this time got the best value 0.562; On the rate of deposition, the best prescription of stabilizers was glycerel monostearte concentration 0.108%, carrageenan concentration 0.208% and CMC-Na concentration 0.075% and the best rate of deposition at this time got the best value 0.66%.

Keywords: Carrot; Strawberry; Milk; Compound Beverage

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:研究表明草莓有抗癌的功效。从草莓的根、叶、果实中提取的含有较高抗癌活性的鞣花酸,能有效地保护人体组织不受致癌物质的侵害,从而在一定程度上减少癌症的发生。草莓中的维......
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