
资料分类:科学与工程 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-30
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关键词: 辣椒籽;蛋白质;特性


Abstract:Pepper seeds to study the nature of protein and amino acids composition for the purpose of pepper seeds for the future provide the basis for the development and utilization of protein. The study includes: pepper seeds protein drying method, isoelectric point, emulsifying and emulsion stability, foamability and foam stability, viscosity, protein, amino acid composition. The results showed that: pepper seeds isoelectric point of pH4.2; pepper seeds protein emulsifying properties and water holding capacity and emulsion stability are with the increase of PH decreased and then increased at pH 4 min; pepper the foaming protein seed pH4 the worst, but the best foam stability; foaming and foam stability and emulsion stability and emulsion are pepper seeds with increasing concentration of the protein solution and rising . Drying methods pepper seeds protein nature of the protein also have some effect.

Keywords  Pepper seed  Isoelectric point  Characteristics

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:首先辣椒能在我国很快的传播是有很多原因的。辣椒作为一种农作物,它具有广泛的生态适应性。它可以在温暖而干湿的气候下生长,对日照要求不高;抗旱能力也较强。这是辣椒在中......
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