
资料分类:科学与工程 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-30
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Abstract:To study the effects of acid protease, flavor protease, lipase to promote the maturity of fermented sausage. With nonprotein nitrogen and free fatty acid content of test index, in the single factor, and on the basis of then L9 (34) through an orthogonal test exogenous enzyme promote sausage fermentation the optimum technological conditions: lipase add content is 0.10%, acid protease add content is 0.05%, enzymatic add content is 0.02%, the fermentation temperature of 30 ℃. Research on enzyme fermented sausage and did not add natural fermented sausage enzyme compared, the results show that, in 21 days and enzyme sausage than do not add enzyme sausage free fatty acid is 20% higher, non-protein nitrogen is 35.9% higher, through the sensory added exogenous accelerated in the basis of sausage maturity can not only improve the nutrition and flavor and do not change the material quality, colour and lustre of sausage.

Key words: Exogenous enzyme  Fermented sausage  Non-protein nitrogen (NPN)  Free fatty acid (FFA)

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:从根本来看,我国的发酵香肠也就近几年才开始在国内兴起。以前的传统香肠不能算作真正的发酵香肠,因为传统香肠没有添加发酵剂,也没有接种微生物之类的技术,香肠在自然成熟......
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