
资料分类:科学与工程 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-07
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关键词 高雄山虫草;咀嚼片;生产工艺;质量控制


Abstract:In this paper, the author describes how to produce the chewable table of cordyceps takaomontana with the body of cordyceps takaomontana. In the process, the technology of superfine crushing sieving and vacuum drying are used. After superfine crushing sieving through 400 mesh sieve and chose 65℃ as the best temperature. At the same time, flavour with essence, citric acid and so on. According to the results of orthogonal experiment, 30 percent cordyceps takaomontana powder, 15 percent essence and 5 percent citric acid is determined to be the best formal of the chewable table of cordyceps takaomontana. The author analyses the ingredients and the activity of the product. According to the analysis of the product, polysaccharide content is 47.46mg/g, total nucleotide content is 16.69 mg/g, and activity of DPPH free radical clearance rate is 75.15%. the results of this research show that the active ingredient of the chewable table of cordyceps takaomontana is not destroyed.

Keywords  Cordyceps takaomontana  chewable table  production process  quality control

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:近些年来,国内外的一系列报道中相继提出虫草和它的相关产品可以提高人体免疫力,有的还能抑制肿瘤。因此在当今世界的范围内,虫草就已经成为普遍受到人们关注的可以作为抗肿......
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