
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-10
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Abstract:Convex function is a kind of important function, it has broad applications in many areas of pure and applied mathematics. Now, convex function has become theoretical foundation and a powerful tool of mathematical programming, control theory, function theory, functional analysis, optimization theory and other fields. In this paper , I make more detailed summary about the definition and mutual relationship, operation properties and analysis of properties of convex function, and give several judgment theorems of convex function. I also take advantage of these special properties and theorems to prove two important inequalities: Jensen inequality and Young inequality, and discuss some elementary inequalities, function inequalities and integral inequalities application.

Key words: convex function; Jensen inequality; Young inequality; integral inequality

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:凸函数有哪几种不同的定义,它们之间有着怎样的关系,彼此是否能相互转换,凸函数又有哪些性质及判别定理,它们在不等式的证明中有什么样的作用,这些就是本文要研究的内容。......
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