
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-10
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摘要:本文通过分析数据编制频数分布表、计算均值、方差、标准差、进行正态分布的拟合度检验等过程, 用正态分布的性质分析两个班的成绩及分析两个班学习成绩的平均分数和离散程度的差异情况, 说明了概率统计方法在教育教学中的应用。同时, 通过调查研究语文与政治学科之间的关系、外语成绩是否与学习兴趣有关等例子, 为教育决策、教育管理提供有意义的信息。

关键词:概率统计; 标准差; 正态分布


Abstract: In this paper, with the analysis of the frequency distributed table, the calculation of the mean value, the variance and the standard deviation, the test of the fitting degree of normal distribution, the differences between the mean value and dispersion degree of the grade of two classes are analyzed in this paper according to the properties of normal distribution, which demonstrates the application of probabilistic method in education and teaching. At the same time, some examples are discussed such as the relationship between Chinese and Politics and the influence of interest on the grade of foreign language in order to provide some useful information for education decision and education management.

Key words: probability and statistics;standard deviation; normal distribution

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:运用统计方法、定量与定性的结合是统计分析的重要特征。随着统计方法的普及,不仅统计工作者可以搞统计分析,各行各业的工作者都可以运用统计方法进行统计分析。只将统计工作......
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