
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:lxswj2006 更新时间:2014-06-02
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关键词:带余除法; 数学竞赛; 中学; 应用;


Abstract:The goal of middle-school mathematics competition is to stimulate teenager’s interest in mathematics, foster their ability of math exploration and develop talents’ quality to adapt to the demands of the development of future. Mathematics Competition combines with ability--oriented education of elementary and secondary school and coordinates with the content of teaching in class, which is full of novel, peculiar, ingenious and interesting originality and permeates modern math thought and methods. Skillfully using division algorithm can easily work out relevant issues in the middle school mathematics competition. We can get inspiration from the design of domestic and international mathematics competition problems. This essay lists some typical applications of division with remainder in the mathematics competition from its theorem and properties. 

Key words:  Division with Remainder; Mathematics Competition; Middle School; Application

上传会员 lxswj2006 对本文的描述:竞赛数学是沟通高等数学和初等数学的桥梁。当今,带余除法定理及其性质在中学数学竞赛中有着广泛的应用,其大大简化了相关问题的求解。有些学者运用带余除法定理及其性质已经......
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