
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:小婷 更新时间:2014-06-05
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摘  要:目的:本实验主要研究一种能快速提取、净化茯苓中异丙威并检测其含量的方法。


   结果:色谱柱(Ultimate XB-C18 5μm 4.6×250mm);柱温:30℃;紫外检测器波长:210nm;进样量:10μl;流动相:乙腈:一级水=55:45(V/V);流速:1.00ml/min;经计算,该方法的回收率为:96.87%,相对标准偏差为:11.65%,实验证明该方法效果好。



ABSTRACT:Objective:This paper want to find a fast and accurate method to detect isoprocab from Poria cocos。 

   Methods:Isoprocarb is a carbamate pesticide。The ultrasonic wave was employed to extract isoprocarb from Poria cocos,the purify condition also been investigated,the contents of isoprocarb was been detected by HPLC。The proportion of Na2SO4 and Florida,which as the solid-phase,was investigated the effect of the compounds which extracted from Poria cocos,the result shown the purification column included 0.4g Na2SO4,1g Florida,0.4g Na2SO4。 The detection method were investigated the column temperature,mobile phase and its proportion,detectin wavelength and velocity for HPLC。The recovery and the loss rate also studied in this paper。

   Results:Chromatographic column (Ultimate XB-C18 5μm 4.6×250mm); Column temperature:30℃;Ultraviolet detector wavelength:210nm;Enter the sample weight:10μl;Mobile phase:acetonitrile:level 1 water = 55:45 (V/V);Velocity:1.00 ml/min;The recovery is 96.87%,RSD is 11.65%。This method worked well。

Keywords:  Isoprocarb;HPLC;Poria cocos

上传会员 小婷 对本文的描述:茯苓属于我国名贵中药材,在我国有很多人在人工种植,为防止病害虫的危害,不可避免的在种植过程中会喷洒大量农药,因此,对其进行农药残留的检测研究就显得十分必要......
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