
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:小婷 更新时间:2014-06-07
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关键词:猪皮; 胶原蛋白; 有机脱脂剂;脱脂效率


ABSTRACT:Collagen is a kind of extra cellular matrix structure protein in biological scientific and technological industry some extremely important position, is also extremely huge demand for one of biomedical materials. Its application field, including biomedical materials, the cosmetics, food industry etc. Since it has wideapplication value, in recent years the international research of collagen day.

  This experiment, mainly used acetone, chloroform, isopropanol and other organic solvents as degreasing agents. Study of the same material ratio between acetone and isopropyl alcohol degreasing effect of different volume ratio; compared with the same materials of acetone and isopropanol under different volume ratio between the degreasing effect;compared with same material of different degreasing agents in the same proportion of degreasing effect.Preliminary study of different acids (acetic acid, citric acid) influence on collagen extraction,Of extracts by IR, UV and fluorescence spectra analysis, initially set the extraction of collagen.

Keywords: pigskin;  Collagen;  Organic degreasing agents;  Skimefficiency

上传会员 小婷 对本文的描述:人体中胶原蛋白起着极其重要的作用。人体皮肤中有70%是由胶原蛋白组成,胶原蛋白使皮肤具有保护功能,又有适当弹性及坚硬度。胶原蛋白在皮肤结构中是紧紧包住真皮层中的毛根皮......
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