
资料分类:教育理论 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-13
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关键词: 概念图 物理教学  学习工具


Abstract:  At first, i introduced the concept to the diagram of the definition, basic characteristics and how to draw a concept map. Then explained the concept mapping applied in physics teaching theory, namely the early cognitive learning theory, Piaget Bruner schema learning theory, cognitive learning theory of the structure, Su Baer meaningful learning theory, constructivist learning theory. Then from the following several aspects of the concept map in Physics Teaching: Concept maps used in advance organizer teaching model; Concept mapping is applied to knowledge teaching; Concept maps used in Physics Experiment Teachingconcept mapping applied to review finishing tool of knowledge; Concept mapping is applied to the evaluation of students' knowledge understanding tool.

Key words:  Concept Mapping  Teaching of physics  Learning tools

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:随着人们对概念图的认识不断加深,其概念也越来越具体、全面。从原先单纯的组织和表征知识的工具,到后来把表征的内容内容丰富为概念、思想和理论,并指出这样做的目的是使它......
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