
资料分类:教育理论 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-13
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关键词:物理, 高考, SAT, 比较研究


Abstract: The College Entrance Examination(CEE) is the most influential education exam in China and it is connected to the secondary education and advanced education. SAT is a typical exam of basic education in the USA. Almost apply for all U.S. universities need to take the SAT. Its function is very similar to China's CEE, so SAT has actually been "CEE" in America.

   This article carries out study on comparative analysis of China's CEE and SATⅡ Physics. From a rather macroscopic perspective, the comparative study focuses on the aspects of the examination requirements, scopes and questions structure. Then from a rather microscopic perspective, the comparative study focuses on three aspects: content, set scene and cognition ability. By contrasting to the breadth, the difficulty and the subject competence test of the two papers, we can derive useful lessons for physics teaching and the CEE reform.

Key words:  physics, CEE, SAT, comparative study

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:本文研究的对象是中美两国物理教育中两项重要的考试——中国高考物理和美国SATⅡ物理。高考是中国最有影响力的教育考试,但其统一的目标、要求、内容和评价,产生了一定的负面......
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