
资料分类:教育理论 上传会员:阿里夫人 更新时间:2014-12-17
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Abstract:Teaching composition in middle school, the choice of /teaching style/ brings a lot of problems. In term of argumentative writing in middle school, there exists many problems such as wrong style、the thesis does not have the strong argument and the topic lack of logic with argument. If you were want to change this situation , the argument writing have changed the style to /actual writing/ ,in order to training students writing the editorial and film review. Here I will from the argument writing under /teaching style/ and argumentative writing under /actual style/ two aspects to discuss the middle school choice in argumentative writing.

Key words:The teaching style; The teaching style; The argumentative style; The argumentative

上传会员 阿里夫人 对本文的描述:“教学文体”指为了写作教学的需要,把文章按照主要的表达方式与目的划分出来的诸如记叙文、说明文和议论文等文体。划分的目的是供学生在特定的学校语文场景中学习写作所用。......
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