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  • [越南语论文] 中国改革开放和越南革新开放对中越边境地区经济发展的影响_越南语论文.doc


    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 资料字数:9401 上传日期:2014-10-13
  • [越南语论文] 对《外国人学越语》教材的分析_越南语论文.doc


    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 资料字数:7923 上传日期:2014-10-13
  • [越南语论文] 滇越铁路的现在与未来_越南语论文.doc


    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 资料字数:9976 上传日期:2014-10-13
  • [英语论文] 探讨英语中系动词和表语的省略问题_英语论文.doc

    During the past years, there has been wide interest in Copula-Predicative Structure of English. Much research has been done on various journals and documents showed that the study has aroused more and more attention on it. ...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:5597 上传日期:2014-10-12
  • [日语论文] 从七夕看中日文化差异_日语论文.doc


    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 资料字数:7034 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [日语论文] 从森女看日本年轻女性的生活态度_日语论文.doc


    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 资料字数:8565 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 语境视角下的网络四字成语变异研究_英语论文.doc

    The four-word internet catchword is a new creation of internet language, which uses traditional four-word phrase as its form and carrier. It is in conformity with the principle of brevity in expression, compactness in structure, integrity in...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:5332 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 英语听力的干扰因素及对策_英语论文.doc

    With the increasing development of foreign trade Chinese economy and demand for English talents increasingly, English learning is getting more and more important in the future. In the process of learning English, listening is the key to lang...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:4155 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 新闻报道引语的语用效果_英语论文.doc

    Speech refers to the words that people use to strengthen the effects of expression in a certain communicative situation. In the human history of language communication, the use of speech...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:5698 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 商务英语书信中正式用语和非正式用语对比分析_英语论文.doc

    Therefore, this paper contrastively analyzes the characteristics of formal and informal languages in Business English letters in order to help the members of the business discourse community or employees of large companies write more effecti...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:4833 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 汉英动物文化词汇内涵的差异及翻译_英语论文.doc

    Many scholars have explored the different animal cultural connotation detailed. However, few of them list the detailed and scientific methods of translation. In the author’s view, the reason why people need to learn the differences of anim...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:4744 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 从认知角度浅析王尔德童话中隐喻的运用_英语论文.doc

    And those color metaphors used in the tales help us have a better understanding of Wilde. Therefore, this article mainly introduces us a brief analysis of metaphors used in the Wilde’s tales to enable the readers to understand both metapho...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:6572 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 影响英语口语交际能力的因素及对策_英语论文.doc

    The policy is absurd because English is the language which is used most widely across the whole world although it is not our mother tongue. English has been used by about more than thirty countries, such as England, Australia, Canada, and Pa...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:3346 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 英汉动物词汇隐喻意义的对比分析_英语论文.doc

    This paper attempts at analyzing the cognitive characteristics in both Chinese and English languages by comparing the metaphorical meaning of Chinese and English animal lexicon to find out the discrepancies in thinking ways of these two coun...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 资料字数:6799 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 文化因素与电影片名的翻译_英语论文.doc

    The title is the window to the film. According to The Complete Dictionary (2003)1, the title means any words that appear on the screen not as part of the scene but as a means of conveying information to the audience. This paper discusses the...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:3479 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 试析《了不起的盖茨比》的象征主义手法运用_英语论文.doc

    The novel of The Great Gatsby, set in New York City and the Long Island of the 1920s, tells that Gatsby, the leading hero in the novel, fell in love with Daisy when he was young, but he had no money to marry her. Through a few years’ engag...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 资料字数:5116 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 浅析中国地铁站名的英文翻译--以南京为例_英语论文.doc

    Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province, which is one of the most ancient cities in China with a long history and abundant culture. Compared with other large cities, most translations of its metro stations tend to use Chinese alphabet met...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 资料字数:6404 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 浅谈汉语网络新词的翻译策略_英语论文.doc

    Chinese cyber-neologisms can serve as a bridge to reflect current life style and express netizens’ ideas or thoughts. Since cyber-neologism is a mirror which vividly presents China’s dramatic changes in different fields and draws more at...

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  • [英语论文] 欧盟语言多样化政策的评价_英语论文.doc

    The significance of this research is mainly for the intention to evaluate and analyze its advantages and disadvantages. Then, notice its implication and extract some experience and lessons from it to deal with the problem which caused in Chi...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 资料字数:5587 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 论英语演讲稿中语法隐喻的运用_英语论文.doc

    When we talk about grammatical metaphor, Halliday is the first person that usually comes to mind. In his early years when he studied on the nature of the language, he came up with an idea that metaphor exists not only at lexical level, ...

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  • [英语论文] 论朗读作为词汇记忆方法的实证研究_英语论文.doc

    The form, pronunciation and meaning constituted the three properties of a word, and strong links is to be established when the learner remembers the word. The college syllabus has clear definition on undergraduates’ ability of listening, s...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 资料字数:7572 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 跨文化交际背景下中美表达沉默行为的对比分析_英语论文.doc

    In communication, people tend to focus on the expression of the language, ignoring the significance of non-verbal communication. Although the definition of silence varies among scholars, a commonly accepted version of this includes gesture, ...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 资料字数:5552 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 解读《瓦尔登湖》的生态思想_英语论文.doc

    Modern society brings the mankind colorful life, but it also damages environment at the same time and the environment problems are becoming more and more serious. People don’t deal with the relationship between nature and people, but break...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 资料字数:5189 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 接骨师之女中宝姨的人物形象解析_英语论文.doc

    Amy Tan is the middle child and the only daughter in her family. In the late 1960s, Amy’s 16-year- old brother Peter and her father died one after another of a brain tumor. Amy’s mother Daisy thought the reason of the tragedies is the ge...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 资料字数:5253 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 焦虑对大学生英语听力学习的影响_英语论文.doc

    Through the analysis of the data, it shows that there are several factors affect the ability of the listening, and different factors play the different influences. It is easy to see, the influence of psychological factor accounts a large pro...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 资料字数:5447 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 哈萨克斯坦的语言政策和语言规划:过去,现在和未来_英语论文.doc

    The language policy is the main content of the sociallinguistics, and also the object of study of the ethnonymics, politics and sociology. The author dissicusses the language policies of Kazakhstan in this thesis....

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 资料字数:4374 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 功能对等理论下的《环太平洋》字幕翻译_英语论文.doc

    Why do people need subtitle translation? That is because film audience are mostly casual viewers, including low-educated housewives, retired people and poorly-educated workers, translating subtitles into Mandarin provides them with a conveni...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 资料字数:5583 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 高中英语学习中的联想词汇记忆策略_英语论文.doc

    The lack of vocabulary sometimes may restrict the students’ promoting their ability in aspects of listening, speaking, and reading and writing level. In order to help solve this problem, the author carefully looked through some of the pres...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 资料字数:4818 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 非英语专业学生英语学习动机调查研究_英语论文.doc

    The author makes researches among 150 non-English majors, and analyses the findings, hoping to make some constructive suggestions for non- English majors and improve the teaching effects of them...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 资料字数:3915 上传日期:2014-10-07
  • [英语论文] 翻译中的反向思维---以英汉反译为例_英语论文.doc

    Contrary thinking, which is also called reverse thinking, means that we think about in a contrary way. We sometimes should shift our thinking modes from the common way to the contrary in Chinese-English or English-Chinese translation....

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 资料字数:4042 上传日期:2014-10-07