
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-23
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ABSTRACT: With the developing of our information age, Internet becomes more and more popular, and network literature has gradually entered into our life. Meanwhile, affect the development of Chinese literature. As a new favorite, time-travel novel is like a storm, “time-travel fever” not only catches People’s attention, but also triggers scholars to explore the various factors of the novel. This article concludes the rise, development and characteristics from “Introduction of time-travel novel”. Meanwhile, analysis reasons why time-travel novel develops so fast from the text itself. At last, according to the popularity that time-travel novel from text to screen, to summarize the influence time-travel novel have made to literature and readers. The biggest innovation of the article is to use postmodern literature creation technique to deconstruct through the novel text and rewriting history.

Keywords: Network literature;Through novel;reason;influence




上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:本文从相关学术论文及李玉萍《网络穿越小说概论》一书中总结概括出穿越小说的兴起、发展和特点,并从穿越小说文本自身、读者需求及互联网普的具体情况分析其迅猛发展的原因,......
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