
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:heat000 更新时间:2014-03-29
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[摘要] 《白鹿原》这部长篇小说,是封建的文化环境下产生的一部关于女性的悲剧史。田小娥是作品中最具特色的女性人物形象,她的一生短暂,却戏剧式地表现了旧中国女性的生活历程。田小娥是这个时代渴望自由,追求爱情的女性,她对美好生活的大胆追求, 对爱情的执着、对人性的捍卫,无不让我们看到这位女性身上闪烁的人格魅力。她的悲剧揭露了封建传统文化漠残酷、灭绝的一面,表现对男权主义对整个社会的控诉,具有典型意义和悲剧价值的。

[关键词] 白鹿原; 田小娥; 悲剧


[Abstract]  "The White Deer Plateau" of the novel, is the feudal culture context about the female's tragic history.Tian Xiaoe is in the works of the most distinctive female characters, her life was short, but the theatrical performance of old Chinese female life course.Tian Xiaoe is the desire for freedom, the pursuit of love of women, her life for the better to pursue bold, dedicated to the love of humanity, defend, all let us see the woman flashing personality charm.Her tragedy exposed the feudal traditional culture desert cruel, extinction side, performance on male chauvinism on the social charges, has the typical significance and value of tragedy.

[Key words]  White Deer Plain ; Tian Xiaoe; Tragedy

上传会员 heat000 对本文的描述:田小娥的形象内涵及其文学价值把她认作是封建宗族制和封建家族斗争的牺牲品,本文阐述了田小娥的悲剧命运,通过田小娥短暂而又多舛的命运进行分析,展现了传统文化下的女性的......
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