
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-04
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Abstract:Xuanzong and Yang Guifei′s love story has widely circulated Since ancient times, they "would like to make the days fly wing to wing birds the willingness to even Jimmy sticks "declaration of love for the people is very moved and yearning. So Li Yang became the love and literati civil competing creative theme, created in a variety of works. This kind of work and countless others, but due to many reasons, the works of different historical themes were the same in different ways, showing different characteristics. This paper will be on new and old, "Tang book" Incidents of the Daily Record of historical material, Park - and-white "Indus rain" and Sciences, the "palace" of the more dramatic stories, to their right to make some different characteristics explore. These four major areas, first details of the three different, The first is the Xuanzong, the different image processing; the second is to Mawei Incident different; The third is the difference in outcome . Since this is the last of three different treatments, the "Indus Rain," and "The Palace of Eternal Life" theme. For old and new, "Tang", has undergone some changes.

Key words: Li Yang′s Love ;Real story ;Play story ;Comparison


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:李杨爱情成了民间和文人竞相创作的题材,创作出了形式多样的作品。这样的作品数不胜数,但是由于很多原因,不同的作品对同一历史题材作了不同处理,呈现不同特色。......
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