
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-23
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ABSTRACT:"Gadameilin" is a Mongolian an excellent narrative poem, in Mongolian literature has a very important position, but also an integral part of Chinese literature. "Gadameilin" is based on the true story to be creative, with strong authenticity and readability. Works on historical events occurred in the late 1920s, early 1930s, when the Chinese social context is warlordism, fragmented; powers invaded the country disintegrated, it was a turbulent era, is also an era of war swirling .

   Beautiful Horqin prairie inhabited by a group of farmers and herdsmen goodness, they are based on this piece of grassland generations as their home, but darhan princes, ignoring the objections of farmers and herdsmen, collusion warlord Chang Tso-lin, secretly sold grasslands, on prairie farmers and herdsmen on the brutal exploitation and oppression, suffered a huge disaster. Gada Meilin as a palace guard, risked his life for farmers and herdsmen bluntly phase remonstrance, but was driven out of leather to royal duties, and later in jail, sentenced to death penalty. Fortunately Gadameilin peony brave wife, joint design of a bunch of village folks went out Gadameilin. Escaped unharmed Gadameilin decided uprising, led by princes oppressed peasants and herdsmen bravely with the princes of the Guard and warlord armies launched a desperate struggle. But very unfortunately, because the military balance and the poor, the farmers and herdsmen still failed uprising.

   "Gadameilin" is a Mongolian epic, it praised Gadameilin and herdsmen anti-feudal and anti-oppression revolutionary spirit, is a tragic hero hymn, it is a reflection of people's indomitable fighting spirit picture.

Keywords: "Gadameilin"; Mongolia; epic; main content; artistic characteristics.


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:《嘎达梅林》是一首蒙古族英雄史诗,它歌颂了嘎达梅林以及广大农牧民反封建,反压迫的革命精神,是一曲悲壮的英雄赞歌,更是一部反映人民不屈不挠斗争精神的画卷。......
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