
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-01
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关键词:让·热内 同性恋 自我身份认同 抗争 社会身份认同


ABSTRACT:As a social phenomenon, homosexuality widely existed in various cultures in the human social history. Homosexual literature also takes an important position in world literature, so study of homosexual identity is essential. The author takes three autobiographical novels of Jean Genet as materials, starting from the study of homosexual identity of the characters in the novels, from two aspects of the self identity and social identity. Analyzing social backgrounds, developing experiences and concepts of values of homosexual images by clearing out the typical images of the works. Hoping to treat homosexuality with good intentions and objective attitude, exploring homosexual identity, in-depth studying homosexuality, a widespread social phenomenon and literature phenomenon.

Keywords: Jean Genet; homosexuality; self-identity; fight; Social identity


上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:通过对让·热内小说的研究我们也能了解到:对同性恋进行权力压制,必然招来对方的反抗,这反而不利于社会稳定。这种未损害他人利益的同性恋社会现象是人类一小部分人的自然的正......
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