
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:随心所欲 更新时间:2014-03-18
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[关键词]杜甫; 诗歌; 人情美; 儒家思想 


[Abstract]  Du Fu is known as a "Saint " of good reputation, his poems also known as the" history of poetry". His" sunflower after dumping the sun, properties of solid hard wins" loyalty," Qiongnian worry Li sigh, enteric fever" anxious feelings, has been the praise for the people of the world. People always for his crown on the legendary, but forget he is a common people, also for the worldly tenderness by innumerable twists and turns. This article tries from the affection between husband and wife, the calf love brotherly affection, friendship, the gentleman from four aspects of Du Fu's poem" interest", but also to taste the traditional Confucian benevolence  thought.

[Key words] Du Fu;  poetry;  interest;  Confucian thought

上传会员 随心所欲 对本文的描述:唐代诗人多风流,红颜知己、青楼艳遇,俯拾即是。然而,似杜甫这般忠贞,对妻子一往情深者实在是罕有伦比。杜甫与其妻子的感情,正如他自己所言是:“并蒂芙蓉本自双”(《进......
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