
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-20
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【关键词】别里科夫; 套中人; 精神世界; 焦虑; 本能 


【Abstract】Many scholars in the past made research on Byelikov were mostly concentrated in point of criticism, that Byelikov is an image engulfed by the environment . This tries to from multiple angle to discuss Byelikov’s spiritual world. On the one hand, it reveals his spirit world of conservative part, on the other hand, finding his instinct and pursuit as normal , no longer only from negative or active area to look this personal, and explains this people’s tragedy not only is environment cause, but also himself, even though he wanted to break loose, but he was firmly hitched. This paper aims to cause us to pay attention to this kind of people’s spiritual world, so as to make us to persue a more perfect personality.

【Key words】Byelikov; set of people; spirit world; anxiety; instinct

上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:到目前为止,对别里科夫的研究形形色色、褒贬不一,多半学者是站在贬义的角度来看待这个人物,认为他的悲剧是由社会环境造成的,别里科夫充当的始终是沙皇卫道士的形象,并没......
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