
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:heat000 更新时间:2014-03-29
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关键词:高加林; 《人生》; 人生悲剧


Abstracts:The writer Lu Yao was born in the rural area of Shanbei. He was obsessed with the art. He not only knows the rural area, but also know the condition of the city due to his life experience. He has deep understanding of the relation between rural and urban areas. The novel 《Ren Sheng》make emphasis on the characters whose in the place between the rural and urban areas. This article through analysing Gao Jialin’s career and love to express the reason which lead to the tragedy of him is the contradiction between his dream and the society and his circumscribed outlook on life. We can get inspiration form Gao Jialin’s tragedy that: the value of life is not relies on the prominent position, but on the life orientation. You can’t win them all, we must keep ourselves when stand before the intersection of life, we should handle problems in life properly.

Key words: Gao Jialin; 《Ren Sheng》; The ragedy of life

上传会员 heat000 对本文的描述:路遥就是以“城乡交叉地带”文明的陕西农民作家,他在抽象地概括自己在“城乡交叉地带”的生活方式时,说:“时不时想起青年时期那些支离破碎的生活,那些盲目狂热情绪支配下......
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