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[摘要] 摘要:根据严歌苓小说改编而成的同名电影《金陵十三钗》,将一个关于“牺牲”的主题放在南京大屠杀的历史大背景下,通过个体的命运来强化其戏剧性冲突与张力。上映后票房节节高升,口碑向好。小说为电影提供了丰富的素材,而电影的上映让人们更加关注了这部小说。小说和电影是两种不同的艺术形式,电影《金陵十三钗》与小说相比,在创作主旨,故事情节,人物关系及人物形象,叙事视角,意蕴等方面都存在着差异。《金陵十三钗》的电影改编,对探寻电影改编的基本规律具有一定的借鉴意义。

[关键词]《金陵十三钗》,小说, 改编, 异同


[Abstract]  sed on the Yan Geling novel adapted from the movie of the same name" the flowers of war", a" sacrifice" on the theme of the Holocaust in Nanjing 's historical background, through individual destiny to strengthen its dramatic conflict and tension. After the release of the box office soared, good reputation. The novel for the film provides a wealth of material, and the film is let people pay more attention to this novel. Novels and films are two different art forms, the film" the flowers of war" compared with novel, in the theme, plot, characters and images, narrative perspective, there are differences in meanings. " The flowers of war" in the film adaptation, to explore the film adaptation of the basic law has certain reference significance.

[Key words]  the flowers of war  novel  daptation   similarities anddifferences

上传会员 heat000 对本文的描述:严歌苓又在中篇小说的基础上创作了长篇小说《金陵十三钗》。同年,导演张艺谋把中篇小说《金陵十三钗》搬上了荧屏,并在电影中保留了这个故事的核心。而本文则从其小说和电影......
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