
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-02
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[关键词]《说文解字》; 《艸部》; 命名义; 特殊字; 文字演变


[Abstract] Shuo Wen Jie Zi is compiled by the Eastern Han Xu Shen. The dictionary totally concludes 9353 orthographic and has 1063 special characters. Shuo Wen Jie Zi First uses “six books” to analyze the shape structure of Chinese characters, which is the awareness of the ancient master the voice, vocabulary, and an important tool for reading ancient book of Qin and Han. It has an extremely important position in the history of the Chinese language. This article intends to Shuo Wen Jie Zi • Cao part as the object of study and classification. In the second part, I will contact the other radicals in the Shuo Wen Jie Zi for Cao part. There are some special words in Cao part, such as the background of knowing the characters, diacritical characters and homonym words and so on , the words will be detailed in the third quarter of paper. Moreover, due to the development and changes of the Chinese characters for thousands of years, the words of Cao part appeared to die out, developed or deformed, I will summarize the evolution of the article finally.

[Key words] Shuo Wen Jie Zi; Cao part; name; special character; configuration

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:《艸部》字中有部分字的造字不能直接从艸字本意得知,因此在本文第三部分中我会通过研究一些字例的方式来探寻《艸部》字中一些特殊字的造字成因。这种字例的探讨将有助于研究......
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