
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-02
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[摘要] 17世纪的欧洲是一个新旧交替的阶段,男权主义是那个社会的主导,而女性往往是作为时代的弱者出现在世人面前。莎士比亚塑造了若干不同类型的女性形象,本文试以四大悲剧中的女性形象进行简要分析。通过她们性格的刻画以及与男主人公的关系彰显出形象的真实性,突出表现她们在作品中的地位,旨在让读者了解到她们所处的生存状态以及作者的女性观。这些女性要么是男权的牺牲品,要么是悲剧的附属品,她们从属于男人而活在男权社会的边缘。

[关键词] 莎士比亚; 四大悲剧; 男权主义; 牺牲品; 女性观


[Abstract] The Europe of Seventeenth Century is a transition phase, male chauvinism is the dominant in that society, and females tend to be as the era of weak appeared in front of the world. Shakespeare created a number of different types of female images; this paper tries to use the female images in Shakespeare's four tragedies to analyze briefly. Through their character descriptions and the hero's relationship shows the image authenticity and outstanding performance in their works status, in order to make the readers understand them to the survival status as well as the author’s view on women. These female is either the male victim, or the tragedy of adjuncts, they belonged to the man and living in the edge of the patriarchal society. 

[Key words] Shakespeare; four tragedies; male chauvinism; victim; feminist views



上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:从剧名我们就可以看出,男性形象是整部剧的中心,但是莎士比亚并没有忽视女性形象的刻画,塑造了一大批褒贬不一的女性,彰显出她们独特的个性。而女性亦如整部剧的一个亮点,......
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