
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-20
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[Abstract]Chinese characters mainly have four structural features . They are pictographs , self-explanatory characters , ideographic characters and pictophonetic characters . Through such structure , Chinese characters are ideographic and a kind of realistic performance on The social and cultural . The four structural features lead to the strokes of Chinese characters complicated . In the history of human development , characters have tool function and need easy to learn and convenient to use , so Chinese characters need to simplify . The simplified Chinese characters let writing , reading and memory become easy and conform to the trend of social development . However , the simplified Chinese characters result in the lack of ideographic , the phenomenon of a simplified Chinese characters Corresponding a number of traditional Chinese characters and the loss of traditional culture . Aiming at the phenomenon , we should continue carrying out the simplified Chinese characters and advocate learning traditional Chinese characters . 

[Key words]Chinese characters ; structure ; simplified Chinese characters ; gain and loss

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:简化字改革有得必有失。而它的得最大特点在于简化了结构,而它的失也是因为结构的简化而造成的表意性,传统文化的缺失。所以,讨论简化字改革的得失,必须先来研究一下汉字的......
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