
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-20
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[摘要] 元杂剧在中国古代文学史上独树一帜,其中描写了各种纷繁复杂的人物形象。本文以元杂剧中的反面人物展开研究,通过对流氓恶少、贪官奸臣、封建权威、吝啬贪财这四类人物形象的总结描写,重点阐述了各类人物的特征以及对作品的影响力。元杂剧中的反面人物形象对于元杂剧意义的传达意义深刻,探讨反面人物的不同类型,对我们深刻认识元代文化体系的繁荣,并与元代社会现实状况相结合,有极为重要的启发意义。

[关键词]   元杂剧  反面人物形象  分类  作用


[Abstract] The Yuan Dynasty is unique in the history of Chinese literature, which describes a variety of complex characters. Study the traitor in the Yuan Dynasty, the rogue bad young man, corrupt traitor, feudal authority, stingy greedy summary description of these four types of characters, focusing on the characteristics of various characters, as well as the influence of the work. Convey the meaning of the image of the traitor in the Yuan Dynasty Yuan Dynasty significance is profound, and explore the different types of negative character, and very instructive for us a profound understanding of the Yuan Dynasty, the prosperity of the cultural system, and the Yuan Dynasty, social realities, the combination of .

[Key words] The Yuan Dynasty  Negative character image  Classification  Role

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:在戏剧意义的传达中,反面人物起着举足轻重的作用。其一,揭露社会的黑暗面。张驴儿用尽卑鄙手段企图让窦娥屈服,这样的例子在元杂剧中比比皆是,而这些情节就是对元代社会的......
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