
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-28
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关键词: 《说文解字》;金部字;金属器皿;两汉文化


[Abstract]《Shuowenjiezi》is the book written by Xu Shen in Han Dynasty. It’s the first Chinese dictionary. This paper selected  jin-radical characters as an example to explore the related culture of the metal containers in Han Dynasty.

  This paper is consists of five parts: introduction, analysis of the jin-radical characters in 《Shuowenjiezi》semantics, the jin-radical characters in 《Shuowenjiezi》 and the metal containers in Han Dynasty, the relationship between the jin-radical characters in《Shuowenjiezi》 and Han Dynasty culture, the conclusion. Based on accessing the large amounts of data, this paper classify and summary the jin-radical characters according to their meanings, then with the Han Dynasty culture to understand the culture of the metal containers in Han Dynasty, and preliminary summary the jin-radical characters in 《Shuowenjiezi》 and the Han Dynasty culture to complement each other.

Key words: 《Shuowenjiezi》; jin-radical characters; metal containers; Han Dynasty culture

上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:笔者结合中华书局出版的《说文解字》(附检字)(竖排繁体版)和岳麓书社出版的《说文解字》注音版两种版本为基础讨论。专门探讨金部字的论文,包括是金属器皿方面的,就笔者......
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