
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-29
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关键字:巴金  小说  基督教  救赎思想


Abstract: Ba Jin is a twentieth Century Chinese literature in a great banner, but also the valuable wealth of world literature. Ba Jin and his works embodies a real intellectual conscience and humanity, criticized China 's deep-rooted bad habits and the whole society of feudalism. He made a gesture to the world for repentance, and a Redeemer's identity with the people to the new world. Ba Jin always firmly believe that" spring is never die"," life is full of spring. The fall in the spring, the spring in winter, and there is a lot of spring". He" never doubt: the old will perish, new to grow; the old society is going down, the new society to come; the light to the darkness and clean". He is full of hope, looking forward to people 's soul is released, thereby obtaining happiness wonderful life.

Key words: Ba Jin  fiction  christian  redemptive thoughts



上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:巴金笔下丰富、充满生命的形象都是根据自己的参悟所创作的艺术形象,这些形象无一不是他情感的寄托。爱的情思是巴金作品的重心,由爱而发的忏悔更是他创作的基础。其中,基督......
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