
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-29
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关键词:汪曾祺小说  民族风情  艺术特点


[Abstract]Looking at the Modern and Contemporary Chinese literature, the Novel is no doubt which is quite unique characteristics. The reason why he committed his life through the pen of the text description of his familiar local folk, and to be educated, living environment. His novel, short, plain statement showing that the simple atmosphere full of ethnic customs, fully understand, to explore a certain region of the folk customs, and intact to show the reader's eyes. This creative style of Wang Zengqi its unique aesthetic mood of the show's head, is a model of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Native Literature. His works reflect the ethnic customs of the hearts of emotion in the hands of interdependence where, contains a deep personal feelings and stirring of the depths of the soul of Wang Zengqi rustic innocence and warm and moving.

Contains for the study of fiction by national culture, I read of Blan Nao Notepad "," ordained "," Wang Zengqi anthology series of works, and derive a lot of feelings and inspiration.

Keywords: WangZengqi Novel   Artistic characteristics   Ethnic characteristics

上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:民族风情作为汪曾祺小说中的一个重点组成部分,在其绝大多数作品中都有着充分的反映,汪曾祺在他的诸多小说中,竭力向我们描述出一个个独特的民间地域。他用质朴的文字描绘出......
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